last minute post...running out the door

I had dinner last night at my grandmothers place. It was a real gourmet feast. hehe. Bentos from Marukai…since we didn’t wnat leftovers and I didn’t want to have to do dishes…

Dinner at Popo's house. T-minus 15 hours til Beijing. (Photo: Kent Nishimura)
For those that don’t know…I did a picture story on my grandmother. Here’s a new image from last nite, that i made that, and i like…

Lily sits on the couch as her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren get dinner ready, Friday March 20, 2009. In the picture frame you can see myself and my two younger siblings. (Photo: Kent Nishimura)
One final image to end the night…

Gwynnelle, my younger sister, is blurred by a slow shutter speed as she enters the front door of our house. We leave for Beijing, China tomorrow morning, (Photo: Kent Nishimura)


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